What is a Third Culture Kid?
“A third culture kid is a person who has spent a significant part of his or her developmental years outside their parents’ culture. The third culture kid builds relationships to all the cultures, while not having full ownership in any. Although elements from each culture are assimilated into the third culture kid’s life experience, the sense of belonging is in relationship to others of the same background, other TCKs.”... (more)
Suggested Readings
PIG OUT ON JUNK FOOD: The MK's Guide to Survival in the U.S.
by Alma Daugherty Gordon
The title itself gives one piece of great advice for young people returning to the United States from places all around the world. Don't Pig Out on Junk Food offers valuable insights from experienced missionary kids (MKs) that will equip other MKs as well as the children of business, professional, military, diplomatic personnel to make their cross-cultural entry to the U.S. successful. This unique family resource begins with family preparation before departure and includes practical advice about education, money, work, social adjustments and personal issues. This handbook includes invaluable information about available resources, complete with phone numbers and address. Each chapter includes special assignments for family discussions.
Evangelical Missions Information
Service (EMIS). 1993.
160 pages, nine appendices, resources, index.
ISBN: 0961775114

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TCK Academy Class
The first TCK class featuring Ruth Van Reken
TCK Research
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